Note: Your donation will be processed through MyTributeGift Foundation for distribution to your selected charity. Your credit card transaction record will appear as MyTributeGift Foundation. An official tax receipt for your donation will be issued by MyTributeGift Foundation.
Please note that MyTributeGift Foundation collects a 5% administrative fee + 3% for payment processing. These fees help cover the cost of processing all donations, issuing tax receipts, and sending all appropriate information to the selected charity. These fees are assumed by your selected charity, but you will receive a receipt for the full amount of your donation.
Many charities spend over 20% of collected monies on administrative and fundraising expenses. For example, the American Cancer Society spends 28.6% of funds on these two costs (Charity Navigator, 2014).
MyTributeGift Foundation helps reduce administrative costs for many charities and allows donors to contribute to lasting memorials for their loved ones.